BASKEY RENTALS | Your best holidays


From BasKey Rentals we want to offer you the best service for your stay in the Basque Country. We would love to be your host and be able to show you all the places and secrets of our land.

The homes we offer you at BasKey Rentals are designed for your enjoyment, with all the amenities and everything you need. Is there something you lack? Do you need something else? Do you have any doubts about something?... No problem, get in touch with us and we will solve it, we will be at your service to make your stay unforgettable.

We have the perfect mix between tradition and modernity, digital and analog so that you feel at home, so that you feel that Euskadi is also your home.

Ongi etorri gurera!



We try our best to be better every day, because we understand that offering a quality service is our best guarantee for the satisfaction of our customers.

Therefore, we participate and belong to the main sectoral agencies of our community.

BasKey Rentals is a member of Aparture, the tourism housing association of Euskadi, where we defend a quality management, transparent and responsible for tourism in homes in our towns and cities.

We have the backing of insurers GesSeguros and AXA so that nothing fails during your stay, and if it happens, we can solve it with the best coverage.

Of course, we are a tourist company licensed by the Basque Government (ASS00271) under its demanding conditions, and we are adhered to the Consumer Arbitration Program (Nº 28886) so that you have all the facilities when it comes to solving or managing any complaint or incidence that you have.

If still, you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask us, we will be happy to answer you.

Euskadi Tourism  Aparture - Asociación de Viviendas de Uso Turístico de Euskadi  Seguros AXA  Ges Seguros  Arbitraje de Consumo


Gurean Turismo Zerbitzuak erreserben kudeaketa automatizatu du, ERP bat ezarriz eta erreserben plataformarekin integratuz.

Proiektu honek Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Turismo, Merkataritza eta Kontsumo Sailaren babesa du.

Eusko Jaurlaritza

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